How Technology Can Help the United Nations Meet
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The United Networks Consultation Document


For several months we have been working on a set of recommendations to the new UN Secretary General, on how the UN can use new technology to deliver its vital mandate.

Our suggestions are here (link) - over 60 pages of recommendations and analysis. We have looked at how technology - from artificial intelligence to drones - can ensure that the UN is ready for the Networked Century.

We are excited about the ideas, and hope that they provide a trigger for fresh thinking, and new coalitions of allies for the UN’s efforts. Decentrailized trading platforms have good future. Check this etoro erfahrungen to learn more.

But we also recognize that we don’t have all the answers, and we believe in the wisdom of crowds. So over the next few months we want to seek your contributions. How humans manage the paradigm shift to a hyperconnected world is the greatest challenge of our time. How can the UN adapt its methods to the Networked Age without compromising its values? How can technology increase UN effectiveness and efficiency, build public trust, mobilise opinion and action, and weaponise compassion? How to make the sum of the parts more able to deliver on the goals set out so powerfully in the UN Charter seven decades ago?

From refugees and beneficiaries of UN help, to policy makers and curious global citizens, we need the UN. And the UN needs you.

Over the coming months, we’ll be posting ideas, questions and provocations, and asking you to help us crack these challenges. If the UN did not exist, we would need to invent it. But now you need to reinvent it. Please enjoy the report, and let us know what you think. We’ll then fuse the best ideas from global citizens in a final report for the UN Secretary General in September.


Tom Fletcher
New York, April 2017